Online recruitment some times referred as e recruitment or web based recruitment, is the process of recruitment, where candidates are attracted through online technology or Internet. Most organizations use their websites, a third party job site or job board, a CV database or search engine marketing as part of the online recruitment process.
Benefits of the Internet Recruitment:
- Online recruitment helps organizations to attract, test, recruit, employ and retain quality staff with a minimal amount of administration.
- The advertisement for the job vacancy can be published on the website of the company and this saves the advertisement costs because advertising in a national newspaper can cost thousands.
- Online recruitment is quick and it also saves the time for the company.
- A job vacancy in an online advertisement is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the candidates can view it any time and they can come back to it again and again.
- Through online adverting, the company can not only reach the candidates in the country in which it is operating, but also it can recruit foreign candidates through online recruitment.
- There are no postage or courier costs in the internet recruitment and recruitment can be done by email, data files, graphics, photos, sound, video clips or other data transfer techniques.
- Internet recruiting also provides competitive advantage.
The above are the various advantages of online recruiting.