Tips on Creating Good Website Content

Content in a website conveys message to prospective customers, and enables the website to reach target audience. Content is, therefore, important for businesses websites in general and more so for small businesses.

Good website content helps you engage your audiences and attract potential audiences. You need therefore, post good quality content that helps your business have a larger online presence. In this article, we will discuss tips that help you create good website content.

Following are some tips that makes a great content :

  • Creating original content: When creating content, make sure that it is original, which means the ideas of creating the content should be your own. Copying content from others leads to bad user experience. Visitors would no longer to come back to your website. Also search engines penalize such websites by ranking them lower or by deindexing.
  • Focus on creating strong headlines: Create headlines that attract and invite people in. Research by Nielson shows that about 80% of people read only your headlines and just 20% of people read the entire content. This is the reason why headlines hold more importance.
  • Making your content actionable: The content that is of high quality helps in giving user of ‘how to implement’ the information. Thus, it does not put down the customers by telling what to do rather it helps users by providing them with assurance that they know better of how to use the material.
  • Accuracy in your reporting and sourcing of information: Your articles or blogs reflect your company in the eyes of your audiences. If there is any inaccuracy in content in them, it can damage your business’s reputation, and ruin the trust and goodwill of your audiences.
  • Communicating better by adding images and videos: Making use of images and videos helps in illustrating your point. Images and videos bring clarity on the subject, and thus add value to your content.
  • Limit the size of content: Nothing is better than to be brief in writing a content and your content should be to the point. Do not focus much on word count. An article that has many words does not mean that it is a better post. Keeping an article short is more difficult than writing as much as you can. A blog post should be short and an attractive one.
  • Updating your website regularly: Starting a website is a sort of commitment. If you write only a few posts and then abandon the work, you will not be able to get new customers or readers. Search engines also won’t favor sites that are not updated regularly. The sites that are regularly updated are considered the reliable ones.