Simple Tips to Design Your Website Links

The links are the most important part in web navigational method. These links help visitors decide whether that website is worthy or not as well as helps them to move from one page to the other page.

Some websites contain complex navigational process which still confuses visitors who visited the website. However, the latest trend is introduced in the web that suits the interests of web users.

Users move from one page to the other page for picking required information which is easily available in the website. Links help them get relevant information which is most required. However, the link should specify what content it is giving. Sometimes a collection of links may confuse you. In order to get rid of them, you must separate them in multiple pages. Search engines rank websites based on links.

Web designers should design the links in such a way that it should give the clue to the user. To design such links, following are some tips.

  • Links should be labeled: Whenever a user see any link, it should not confuse rather it must give the clue – user should predict the destination. If you won’t give any label name for the link, user confuses and he won’t understand what it means.
  • Underline the text links: You have provided a link in the form of text but when the user sees that link, he assumes that it is a normal text. So you have to underline that text as well as you have to give a color code for that text link.
  • Provide facility to differentiate used links with unused links: It is the most important one because, it tells the visitor that which link s/he visited and which link s/he didn’t. Thus saves his time.

Use colors for the links and avoid confusion with the text: Use color scheme for the hyperlinks only.