Know How to Maintain Your Air Conditioner Properly

There are several reasons why your air-conditioner system fails without prior warning. The main reason is poor maintenance. Maintenance on a regular schedule could help you get maximum efficiency from the air-conditioner and a longer life.

ID FanMake a regular maintenance schedule and prepare a check list for checking the condition of power cord, filters, cooling coils, drain port that could help you to prevent most common problems of air-conditioners.

In this article, we will discuss the common problems that lead to inefficient cooling by air-conditioner.

Power cord
Corrosion and worn out of power cord is common problem with air conditioner over a time of use. Regular checking for worn out on the power could help you to stay away from big losses.

Inspect thoroughly based on a schedule for any folding or worn portions on the power cord. Get it replaced with new power cords if you find any. Now, check performance of power cord by using a VOM meter (volt-ohm-milliammeter), first mount VOMs wire to projections of power cord’s plug when it is switched on. If the VOM meter gives you reading of less than zero, it indicates your power card is functioning properly. If it shows value higher than zero, it indicates time to replace your power cord.

Most filters are reusable while others need to be replaced frequently. Filters clogged by dirt, block the normal flow of air through air-conditioner. This, in turn decreases the air conditioner’s efficiency. The filters get more dust than any other part, so clean them with a commercial cleansing spray. If it is giving too much odor, soak it in detergents for a while and reuse it. Cleansing filters every month could help your air-conditioner to bypass air freely without any obstruction and this could help you operate the air-conditioner at better efficiency.

Cooling coils
Industrial Centrifugal BlowerOnce you remove filters, you will have access to cooling coils (evaporator). These coils get more dust and mold deposited so, you need remove them by cleansing with commercial foaming sprays. While cleaning, avoid foaming on wires and other devices in the air conditioner. These cooling coils are essential in dissipating heat from the room. If the coil has dirt deposited on it, you may loose the efficiency of cooling the room.

Condenser unit
The condenser is an outdoor unit and it needs your scheduled check-up for maintenance at least once a month. First, remove any dried plants and grass growing around the condenser. Switch on the condenser and check whether the air from condenser is going out freely. If condenser fans are moving in an unusual manner, check out if there are any dried leaves, grass and ice that might clog the filter in condenser.

Similarly, find if there are any insect pests making their habitat in the unit – if there are any, remove them. Clean the condenser and fans using commercial foaming sprays. Next, check condition of the concrete slab on which the condenser is placed. Purchase a condenser cover that fits to your unit.

Condenser drain unit
Check whether condenser draining port is draining water properly. If condenser drain unit has blockage by ice or dirt, it will not control humidity in your house and you may see leaking of water through appliances. To avoid such a situation occasionally pass a strong wire through drain port to remove blockage or dirt.

Maintenance of your air conditioner regularly could help you save on the cost of maintenance and on power bills, by curtailing consumption of the power efficiently.